
  • Dansk
  • English
  • slide1
  • huller
  • laser slider bygning1
  • egenproduktion
  • medical
  • laserafdeling slider
  • kiropraktorbaenke forside

Welcome to F. L. Automatic

We are a modern machining company with many years of experience. We employ ca 25 persons and take in traditional machining tasks from all kinds of companies both locally and nationwide.

Our hydraulic department is ready to service you with hydraulic solutions both in our workshop and with our service car.

As a niche we sell and service equipment for chiropractors and physiotherapists in Denmark, the Nordic Countries and Germany.

We have the sale of shock wave equipment for treatments in physiotherapist and chiropractor clinics.

Experience and flexibility is our strength!

Our customers are both small and large companies in Denmark and with our large experience and a high degree of flexibility we solve all kind of tasks
within production of and processing of nearly all kinds of metals.

If you have a special task, you are more than welcome to contact us for an offer.